In Niger IOM delivers a large and growing number of activities reflecting the increase in the need for strengthen operational and policy solution to internal and international migration in Niger.

With a national population expected to double by 2040 to 44 million people and located across one of the continent’s major migration routes, Niger’s human profile is shaped by environmental, economic and political factors and characterized by complex internal and international seasonal, transient, forced and circular migration. 

IOM Niger is structured along the global programmatic divisions of Peace and Development Coordination, Migration Management, Operations and Emergencies Response, and Policy and Research.

IOM Niger takes an integrated approach in delivering its services to help reinforce IOM’s commitments to the Humanitarian, Development and Peace nexus (HDP). Given the cross-cutting nature of sustainable development, displacement solutions, peacebuilding and climate action IOM Niger’s structure allows for a collaborative approach between and across each of its programmes and activities. 

IOM and the Government of Niger’s commitment to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society has delivered a large and growing number of activities dedicated at building Niger’s resilience, facilitating safe and orderly human mobility and strengthening migration governance.