IOM recognizes the role that a lack of economic opportunity can play in driving migration. Globally, there are an estimated 258 million migrants, many of whom have families that depend on their remittances to survive. However, the desire to migrate in search of economic respite often leads migrants into dangerous situations.

To ensure that migration is carried out in an orderly and humane manner, IOM is committed to tackling the root causes of irregular migration and providing alternatives to would be migrants. IOM strives to achieve this objective by providing communities with improved social services and infrastructure, as well as economic opportunities.

In Niger, the harsh effects of poverty, climate change and conflict push thousands of Nigeriens to migrate irregularly each year. Many of these migrants fall victim to human traffickers, or perish on the unforgiving journey. To mitigate these risks IOM, through a variety of initiatives, and alongside our partners in industry and the government, is creating job opportunities for Nigerien youths. To achieve our goal IOM offers job training, technical training, developmental opportunities and job placements with the assistance of our various employment projects.

The Initiative for the Development of Enterprise (IDEE) project, in operation since 2018, is one such initiative. In a bid to support local enterprise, IOM has partnered with the local incubator CIPMEN to strengthen the technical skills of small businesses in Niamey, Tahoua and Zinder. After receiving customized job training, the beneficiaries of the project are provided with a microcredit loan of up to 5,000 each, as well as material support that they must reimburse to the tune of 50 percent of the total price (up to 6,000 euros).