
IOM and UN Women Organise a Round Table on the role of Women in Border Management in Niger

IOM and UN Women Organise a Round Table on the role of Women in Border Management in Niger

Niamey - The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with UN Women and the Nigerien Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST) organised a round table on the role of women in policing and border management with 30 female DST officers on 19 April in Niamey.

The round table was aimed at underlining the contributions of women in border management and policing and identifying the  opportunities to make their role more effective . During the event, IOM led a discussion on female staff's involvement in border management.

"This round table was a great opportunity for me to discuss with my peers the importance of women in border security issues. I hope such initiatives continue!" said Commissioner Flora Agbonatou, a female participant of the round table. 

"This event is an occasion for IOM to support the DST with integrating gender to ensure more effective border management," says Barbara Rijks, IOM's Chief of Mission in Niger. 

The round table was organised ahead of the National Nigerien Women's Day which will be celebrated on 13 May. IOM, in partnership with the DST, will launch a series of initiatives on National Women's Day to reinforce and integrate gendered perspectives in border management. This national celebration is very important to Nigeriens across the country as it commemorates the great march that was organized by Nigerien women in 1991 when they fought for their political rights and inclusion.

Globally, the gradual involvement and increase of female personnel in border management has proven to be a fundamental criterion to maintain border security and stability by improving the effectiveness of detection and investigation processes. 

In its Resolution 1325, adopted on 31 October 2000, the UN Security Council called on UN Member States "to ensure the protection of and respect for the human rights of women and girls, in particular in the areas of the constitution, the electoral system, the police, and the judiciary".

Since 2015 IOM has been supporting the Government of Niger, to strengthen its border security forces. 

The event was organised with financial support from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

For more information, please contact Aïssatou Sy, Public Information Officer at IOM Niger, Tel: +22780066531, Email: