
IOM and UNFPA Launch New Peacebuilding Project to Prevent Conflict and Build Resilience of Returnee Communities in Niger's Diffa Region

IOM and UNFPA Launch New Peacebuilding Project to Prevent Conflict and Build Resilience of Returnee Communities in Niger's Diffa Region

IOM and UNFPA Launch New Peacebuilding Project to Prevent Conflict and Build Resilience of Returnee Communities in Niger's Diffa Region

Niamey – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched on 28 November a new project funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF) to prevent conflict and build the resilience of returnee communities in the communes of Gueskerou, Bosso, and Kablewa in the Diffa region of Niger.

The Office of the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations System in Niger, the High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace (HACP), national, regional and local authorities, technical and financial partners, the mayors of the communes of Bosso, Gueskerou and Kablewa, as well as traditional chiefs, religious leaders, women's associations and local civil society organisations participated in the launch ceremony.

The new three-year project aims to promote responsible local governance towards host and displaced communities, in an environment that strengthens the resilience of women and youth. It will also strengthen the capacity of regional, communal and village authorities to ensure social cohesion through inclusive dialogue forums, the creation and revitalization of peace committees, and the transparent management of resources to contribute to the sustainable return of internal displaced persons in the Diffa region.

As part of the project activities, women returnees will also benefit from economic opportunities through professional training and support for the development of income-generating activities (IGAs). This support will contribute to their protection and empowerment.

"This project, which supports the regional strategy for the return of displaced persons, is built on an integrated community-based approach to peacebuilding," says Brigadier General Mahamadou Abou Tarka, President of the High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace. "It includes priority interventions for resilience, peacebuilding, conflict prevention and the fight against gender-based violence," he adds.

Located in the Lake Chad Basin area of the Diffa region, the communes of Bosso, Gueskerou and Kablewa have been subject to attacks by violent extremist organizations since 2015, resulting in massive community displacement. In September 2021, following a government-led security operation in the area and the effective presence of defense and security forces, more than 35,000 displaced people returned to their home communes of Bosso, Gueskerou and Kablewa.

"In the Diffa region, affected by multifaceted security and humanitarian crises, the resilience and social protection of women and youth are essential pillars of gender equality," says Daniel Ladouceur, Development and Strategic Planning Coordinator at the United Nations office in Niger.

At the local level, a project kick-off meeting was organised on 14 December in Diffa in the presence of regional and local authorities, as well as community representatives. The objective of the workshop was to inform and facilitate ownership of the activities by all stakeholders in the Diffa region.

The Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) has supported Niger in conflict prevention, inclusive governance and youth empowerment, and strengthened stability in cross-border areas with investments since 2013.

For more information, please contact Aïssatou SY, Public Information Officer, Tel: +227 80 06 65 31,