
Leave No One Behind – IOM Launches Strategy to Accelerate Disability Inclusion in Migrant Protection and Assistance in Niger

Leave No One Behind – IOM Launches Strategy to Accelerate Disability Inclusion in Migrant Protection and Assistance in Niger

Niamey – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched today the three-year Strategy for the Inclusion of Disability in migrant protection and assistance activities in Niger.

The strategy provides a foundation for achieving sustainable progress and transformations by considering disability[1] in all components of activities related to working with migrants in transit, displaced communities, refugees, and host communities in Niger. It emphasizes the importance of respecting their rights and delivering more tailored assistance.

Developed inclusively with the participation of migrants, host communities, civil society associations, and organizations dedicated to the inclusion of persons with disabilities, the strategy outlines three overarching objectives. These include building the capacity of staff and partners in disability inclusion through training and mentoring, ensuring the integration of disability throughout project planning and activities, and collecting data on access and situations of persons with disabilities to inform programming and advocacy.

The strategy aligns with IOM Niger's strategic priorities of resilience, mobility, and governance. It is systematically applicable to all staff and consultants involved in IOM Niger's migrant protection and assistance programme, as well as third-party staff, consultants, focal points, contractors, subcontractors, and programme implementation partners. Additionally, the strategy is open for use by any interested partner.

“Through this strategy, IOM and partners' protection services are accessible to all migrants, including those with disabilities. This will create an environment enabling them to fully and efficiently benefit from their rights, especially when on migratory pathways," says Idrissa Somparé, IOM Niger Chief of Mission a.i.

The strategy contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal 10, aiming to reduce inequality within and among countries. It ensures the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society, resulting in enhanced access to basic services, reduced discrimination, and increased opportunities.

The development of the strategy was made possible with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy as part of the AVENIR III project titled "Assistance to Vulnerable and Exposed Migrants in Niger – Phase III.

You can download the strategy here.

For further information, please contact Aïssatou Sy, Public Information Officer for IOM Niger,

[1] According to the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPS), persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.