Beneath the comforting shade of a tree, Oliver Wayee sat in the front yard of his parents’ home in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital. At 27 years old and hailing from Bomi County, in northwestern Liberia, Oliver’s story weaves a narrative of hardship and transformation, but also builds in the experience of his harrowing migration journey.

Departing from Liberia in February 2022 in pursuit of a brighter future, Oliver headed towards Algeria. His dreams turned to disillusionment, and his path eventually guided him back to Liberia, with the assistance of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Oliver traveled north through Guinea and Mali to reach Algeria, using all his life savings of 600 US dollars for the journey. After spending a month in Algeria, Oliver journeyed on foot to cross the border into Niger, eventually arriving at the small border town of Assamaka, at the IOM transit centre there, where he received crucial assistance. Throughout his stay at the centre, Oliver was provided with essential supplies including shelter, sanitation kits, clothing, food, and help in obtaining an identity document. Later, he was relocated to IOM transit centres in Arlit, Agadez and Niamey, where he continued to receive similar support. Finally, in June 2022, Olive was able to return to Liberia.

Oliver’s first days back in Liberia were a challenge.

“You can’t just return home and seamlessly pick up where you left off. I had to take in all the changes that had unfolded during my absence,” he added.

However, through IOM’s reintegration programme, he received a five-day training on business skills, mastering the complexities of entrepreneurship and financial management. Armed with this knowledge and supported by IOM’s provisions, including bags of rice, oil, sardines, and spices, he jump-started his shop, achieving both financial stability and a sense of accomplishment.

Thanks to IOM's reintegration programme, Oliver received 5 days of business training and essential supplies, kick-starting his shop for financial stability and fulfillment

During his reintegration in Liberia, Oliver also benefited from a psychosocial support session provided by IOM, which equipped him with valuable tools to cope with the emotional and psychological impact of his migration journey. This support played a crucial role in his successful reintegration process.

Oliver's neighbors and friends rallied around him. He not only experienced an outpouring of solidarity and welcome from his community but also received support from his relatives and friends for his business.

Over time, Oliver’s modest shop flourished into a family endeavor, jointly managed by him and his wife. He also established a bike garage thanks to his mechanical expertise. IOM’s assistance enabled him to generate profits that bolstered his dual entrepreneurial pursuits.

Looking back, Oliver refrains from dwelling on the hardships endured in North Africa. “I choose not to think about what I’ve lived through in North Africa,” Oliver shared. “When friends express optimistic views about potential migration, I encourage them to consult someone who’s genuinely lived it,” he advised.

Reflecting on his own journey, Oliver advises fellow Liberian youths against the allure of untested prospects. He cautions them about the hazards and harsh realities often hidden behind glossy images of foreign cities. Oliver’s insights serve as a beacon of guidance, a way to navigate the challenges of the unknown.

Oliver’s voluntary return and reintegration assistance was made possible through funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, as part of the AVENIR II project titled “Assistance to Vulnerable and Exposed Migrants in Niger – Phase II”.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities